Director's Message

Director's Message

From Director’s Desk….
Greeting from SIRD, Jharkhand

Since establishment SIRD, Jharkhand has been pursuing its vision to bring over all development of human resources in rural areas under the guidance of Department of Rural Development. Over the years, with betterment of infrastructure & training facilities, both the quantity and quality of training has witnessed substantive enhancement.

Training of the functionaries of Rural Development being the focus area, the Institute has also ventured into research work. The training calendar includes the capacity building programmes, orientation programmes & workshops related to MGNREGA, NRLM, IWMP, PMAY-G, SAGY, PMKSY, JIAGY, Rurban Mission, NSAP, Social Welfare, DDU-GKY, Social Audit, Internal Audit etc.

I take this opportunity to appreciate & express my gratitude to the Department of Rural Development for their continuous support & guidance. I am also thankful to officers, faculty & staff of SIRD for their sincere effort & valuable contributions.

Shri Rajesh Singh, IAS

Director, SIRD