On-Line Training

On-Line Training Conducted During COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19, the hostel of the training institute was converted into isolation ward / hospital for people suspected / infected with corona virus from the month of April 2020 till now. Below are the details of training conducted through online mode.

Training subjects covered Water Harvesting Technique under Rainfed condition, Rainwater Harvesting for Judicious use of water, MGNREGA Audit, Work & Demand in NREGA, Community Mobilization under NULM, HIV/AIDS: Educating The Rural Community on Its Prevention & Control, Capacity Building of VRPs, Poultry-Farming: A Source Livelihood During the Pandemic, Soil & Water Conservation Measures in upland Rainfed Area, Grievance Redressal Mechanism in NFSA, Orientation of PRIs on GPDP, 15th Finance Commission Recommendation etc. Total number of Programme conducted was:-

Sl. No. Month Mode No. of Trainings No. of Participants
1 August 2020 On-Line 6 299
2 September 2020 On-Line 12 418
3 October 2020 On-Line 10 318
4 November 2020 On-Line 7 269
4 December 2020 On-Line 2 53
Total 37 1357